Flintshire Property Market Update - August 2024 πŸ“ˆ πŸš€

In this months market update, Ben explains what is happening in the Flintshire Property Market during the summer months and talks about interest rates coming down!

Typically, with it being holiday season, the mortgage and housing market tends to slow down. Not this year! With interest rates coming down, the housing market is on its way up! πŸ“ˆ

If you're looking to put your property on the market in the next few months, make sure you give us a call for a no-obligation chat.

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Throughout August, we’ve been running our Community Cheerleader campaign. It’s where we’ve shouted from the rooftops (and blog posts) about the importance of supporting our neighbourhood together. Here’s the final offering from our five-part series, which looks at eight ways we can all make a positive difference locally.

There’s nothing quite like becoming a homeowner for the first time. Stepping over the threshold into a place you can call your own is one of life’s memorable moments. However, as well as coming with a host of benefits, home ownership also comes with responsibilities.

First-time buyers might be getting older, but when it comes to landlords, it’s a different story. A new survey* has found that in the past nine years, there’s been a drop in the average age of landlords in the UK.

Property experts often advise sellers to style their home before they put it on the market. Go the extra mile with presentation, and buyers will be impressed by what they see and smell, or so the theory goes. But do the same styling rules apply to landlords hoping to attract top tenants to their buy-to-let?