Maximize Your Property Sale: Why Assembling the Right Team is Crucial 🏡

Maximize Your Property Sale: Why Assembling the Right Team is Crucial 🏡

It takes a whole team to make your home-moving dreams a reality—read this article to find out who you need on your team.

Buying or selling a property is a considerable endeavour and not one you can undertake alone. The home moving process involves many elements that a homeowner must navigate, and a whole team of people is required to get your move over the line.

Gathering the members of your team to work together on your sale or purchase is crucial. Ideally, they must all work and communicate with each other throughout to enable the transaction to reach completion.

If you are about to embark on the journey to a new home, you will need these people on your team:
  • You need an estate agent to market your property for sale.
  • You will also need an agent who you will buy through (not necessarily the same company).
  • Financial advice is a must, whether you're using savings or obtaining a mortgage. A professional advisor can help you make the right financial decisions, preventing you from committing to the wrong loan.You will need a solicitor to work on both the sale and purchase transactions.
  • A dedicated sales progressor is a crucial part of your team. You'll spend a lot of time speaking to them as you navigate the legal process and work towards a completion date for your sale. Their role is to push the process forward, ensuring you're always in the loop. If your estate agency doesn't have a dedicated sales progressor, who will push this process forward for you? Ensure that there is a system for progressing sales in the agency before you instruct them to sell your property for you as, once you have a buyer, it will be a bit too late to change to a different agent that does have a dedicated sales progressor. This might not seem like a big issue at the outset of putting your home on the market, but you will be grateful that you checked this out. When you accept an offer, you need to know what is happening in the sale chain, but no one seems to know what is happening.Removals? Friends, to help pack? Transport to the new house on moving day? A cleaner? Childcare for the moving day?

Choosing the right professionals can make all the difference in your home-moving process. The main team that you will need in place are the agent, finances, and legal. Without these three, the move won't happen. But who you choose can make all the difference between being able to move and not.

If you opt for an agent who manages to sell your property but doesn't have a sales Progressor within the business, you could be left high and dry once the offer is accepted because no one is there to push through the process for you. This is a potential pitfall that you should be cautious of when choosing your team.

Without a financial advisor, you are left to source your own mortgage funding, which you can do online. But without guidance, you could commit to the wrong loan for years.

Choosing a sub-par solicitor could be the nail in the coffin for your sale, resulting, in the worst-case scenario, in a complete collapse of your sale. It would be devastating for you and your family to lose the property sale and purchase you had planned for, but there are significant financial repercussions when a sale falls through.

Finally, you need to consider who you will need to help you with the physical move when the time comes. Pets, children, packing and moving furniture will all need sorting, and moving day is often hectic and very tiring as you attempt to pack up and move out of one home and into another in the space of a few hours. Recruit friends and family to help out and hire a removal company to do the heavy lifting can help you work through this busy day without adding additional stress.

If you are at the beginning of your home moving discussions, get in touch with our team of property selling experts to help you along the way.

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